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"It's My Mother's Joy That Will Guide My Birth"

I recently had a huge ah ha moment. I am spending time with a woman who is standing on the threshold of her labour (infact) despite the absence of surges, labour had already begun, her baby having initiated their waters opening just a couple of days ago. After spending some hours with them over the past days and getting curious about what may be in the way and what might need to be cleared so that her baby's journey earth side could flow, I had a profound realisation, it was as if her baby communicated to me.

Here is what her baby said:

"It is my mothers Joy that will bring me close, I am here for that, for her to share that with me and it is this joy light that is guiding my passage. I am glad she is clearing her fears and her doubts so that more power in the form of Joy is there to light the birth passage for me to arrive in her arms so we can be a family".

I realised that although clearing the field (so to speak) is often necessary and invites deeper attention to the parts that may be fearful, doubtful or unable to soften, it is her unique and living qualities the ones that animate and ooze vitality that act as magnets of resonance for her baby to orient the birth passage.

As this came to me, I reflected on my knowing of this woman, and I saw so clearly the huge capacity for joy and the expression of that as a unique hallmark of her essence. Of course so many other wonderful qualities are present too, like her wisdom, her open heart and capacity to love, but it is the bigness of her Joy that makes me smile, that draws me toward her and inspires wonder and awe at this unique power that is hers.

Receiving this wisdom from her and from her baby has somehow transformed something for me as a birth-keeper, a sacred space-holder and midwife. I now see that the essential, innate, blueprint of each unique and awe inspiring human is alive and present in each and everyone of us. That our pregnancies, or even the creative processes that move us in our lives are driven essentially by the innate calling of our wholeness. Our job is not to fix, or re-create ourselves but to awaken to what brings us alive for there is where the power lives, where it is activated and precisely it is this power that your baby in the womb needs in order to navigate a safe and powerful passage earth side.

Delphi the magnificent!
Photo: Delphi the great

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