Circle of Presence
Nurturing our capacity to be fully present together
Available spots
Service Description
5 weekly circles to deepen in the vibration of the present moment and the felt experience of being together. When we come together like this, our capacity to accept what arises within ourselves, and deeply listen without interfering, invites the opportunity for deep personal and collective transformation. The container will be gently held by Lindsey. Sharing is not compulsory, and will be timed so each person has an opportunity to share. No prior meditation experience required. All genders welcomed. Please note this is not affiliated with any religion or spiritual philosophy. Cash donations welcome - suggested $10-20 (all donations go toward maintaining the healing centre) Time: Monday evenings 6:30 to 8pm When: March 3, 17, 24, 31 / April 7 Where: The Kangaroo Ground Healing Centre 25 Donaldson Road, Kangaroo Ground
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